Collagen: The Fountain of Youth? | Enviva Me

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Collagen: The Fountain of Youth?

Discovering collagen and its benefits

Dra. Andrea Masada


Collagen: The Fountain of Youth?

Collagen has never been talked about as much as it is today. Countless products and miraculous promises. But what is collagen, and what does it do?

A type of protein

Collagen is nothing more than a type of protein. It is present in about 30% of our body and constitutes cartilage cells, bones, tendons, muscles, connective tissue, and blood vessels. It is responsible for the structure and firmness of the skin.

The body's production of collagen begins to reduce from the age of 30, requiring supplementation.

There are more than ten types of collagen, each responsible for a region of the body. The most commonly used supplements are type I, found in skin, bones, and tendons, and type II, present in joints, such as cartilage.

Collagen Supplements

Collagen supplementation is still a hot topic in science, and there is much uncertainty and little evidence about the effectiveness of supplementation on skin quality.

What we do know is that supplementation is effective for bones and cartilage, but in clinical observations we can see an improvement in the appearance of the skin and patients' perception, noticing more firmness and smoother wrinkles.

There are supplements in many different types, from capsules, powders, to gummy bears and candies. Always be aware that the supplementary quality of these most popular products is low, has no proven efficacy, and contains sugar.

What do we know works?

What we already know works in the replacement and stimulation of collagen synthesis is increasing protein intake through food. Ideally, this should be done under the supervision of a good evidence-based nutritionist, especially because there is a limit to how much your body processes proteins per meal. So, the ideal is not to ingest large amounts at once, but to spread the intake throughout the day.

The clinical treatments offered at that aim to stimulate the production of collagen by the skin are highly safe, effective, and widely used in medicine, such as:

  • Collagen Biostimulators: injectable treatments that generate inflammation in the skin, consequently increasing collagen production.
  • Microneedling: it is used to aid in drug delivery in the penetration of actives into the skin, causing an inflammatory response that produces collagen.
  • Fractioned radiofrequency: consists of the emission of electromagnetic waves that stimulate collagen production.
  • Ablative fractional laser: also stimulates collagen production through laser shots in different layers of the skin, causing scaling and cell renewal.
  • Micro and macro-focused ultrasound: it is the best for collagen stimulation, it can also be used in the body.

The best solution is personal

Although we have many answers, the best indication we can give is individual consultation. In this way, we can meet the needs of each patient and evaluate each case with caution, being able to recommend the most appropriate treatments for each individual's particularities!