Av. das Nações Unidas, 14.401 - Setor C Torre Tarumã - Conjunto 1607 - Chácara Santo Antônio | São Paulo - SP | 04794-000 | Brasil
+55 (11) 2362-0094 | 2362-0095 | 94737-7337
A biopsy is the surgical technique used if an area of concern is identified. The medical professional removes a piece of tissue or a sample of cells from your body so that it can be analyzed in a laboratory.
It is a procedure for removing moles, sebaceous cysts, lipomas, in addition to treating ingrown nails, and related.
It is a superficial skin scraping procedure. Examples of its use are the removal of contagious mollusks or seborrheic keratoses (seborrheic warts) with an instrument called a curette.
It is the injection of medication in certain skin conditions, such as the application of hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs in highly inflamed lesions or keloids.
An electrical cauterization occurs through the emission of heat and electricity, usually under local anesthesia. It is used to fight some types of skin cancer, lesions, and benign tumors.
It consists of the application of different chemical substances that stimulate a reaction on the skin that will later cause the peeling and the recovery of parts of the affected skin.
The application of jets of liquid nitrogen at low temperatures allows the renewal of skin texture and color.
It is a procedure that consists of the application of one or more chemical substances simultaneously, improving texture and skin coloration.