Remoção-cirurgica-de-pequenas-lesoes | Enviva Me

Av. das Nações Unidas, 14.401 - Setor C Torre Tarumã - Conjunto 1607 - Chácara Santo Antônio | São Paulo - SP | 04794-000 | Brasil

+55 (11) 2362-0094 | 2362-0095 | 94737-7337

HomeSurgical ProceduresSurgical removal of small lesions

Surgical removal of small lesions

It is a procedure to remove moles, sebaceous cysts, lipomas, and to treat ingrown nails, and alike. After local anesthesia, the lesion is removed at its base, close to the skin, using scissors or a scalpel blade. Sometimes the lesion is removed only through the incision (cut) in the skin and closed with the suture.

Surgical removal of small lesions

"Skin speaks and translates" clinic