Av. das Nações Unidas, 14.401 - Setor C Torre Tarumã - Conjunto 1607 - Chácara Santo Antônio | São Paulo - SP | 04794-000 | Brasil
+55 (11) 2362-0094 | 2362-0095 | 94737-7337
During the medical appointment, we listen to the patient’s complaints, afflictions, and expectations. Currently, it is also possible to carry out teleconsultations through online platforms, following the guidelines of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM). Enviva.me also performs home consultations, ideal if the patient has difficulty getting to the clinic. Such kind of care allows us to make a solid diagnosis of family dynamics, and thus plan the best treatment strategies for each individual. If you feel any discomfort or skin irritation, please contact us for a suitable treatment via phone on the contact tab.
enviva.me clinic