Av. das Nações Unidas, 14.401 - Setor C Torre Tarumã - Conjunto 1607 - Chácara Santo Antônio | São Paulo - SP | 04794-000 | Brasil
+55 (11) 2362-0094 | 2362-0095 | 94737-7337
This technology is most suitable for the treatment of aging. It is called fractional laser because the beam is divided into parts, to reach the deep layers of the skin, stimulating the production and restructuring of collagen. This treatment is performed under local anesthesia and sometimes with the administration of potent short-acting oral analgesics. It is considered a minimally invasive treatment and it is well tolerated by patients. After the procedure, there is an immediate contraction of the skin due to the thermal effect produced and a gradual improvement. As with any aesthetic treatment, the results depend on the previous condition and the number of sessions performed to complete the cycle of treatment.
enviva.me clinic